Florida Real Estate License Test Prep

Realty One Group Beyond is agent centric, that means we put our agents first. Our goal is to provide you with the marketing and educational resources needed to be a top producer in your marketplace. As you prepare to take your state exam, we would like to help you prepare by providing you with some study materials and learning aids that will help prepare you for the big test.

There is no charge or obligation for using our materials. We just hope that you get a small glimpse of the dedication and support that we provide to each of our Realtors® and hope you consider hanging your license with us after you pass.

We invite you to explore our career page to learn more about our our amazing zONE tools, revolutionary marketing system, industries best learning and educational system, and rewarding agent compensation plan. Learn more at TampaBayRealEstateCareers.com.

Below are some audio files that will review the materials that will be on your exam. Listen to them several times each as this will help you memorize much of what you need to know for the exam. We also have many sample tests that you can practice with. If you need additional tests, we have one for each subject on the exam. Call 727-488-7423 or email Bill@ROGBeyond.com and we will send you the additional materials free of charge.

We wish you the very best on the exam and look forward to helping you through every step of your career to make you successful. Give us a call after you take your exam and let’s get you started on the road to success!